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A Complete Blood Count or CBCis a great test to take to give you a snapshotyour health. This test gives important information about the kind and the number of cells in your blood. Physicians use this information to evaluate symptoms, help diagnose conditions and treat certain illnesses (like infections).


A stool culture is done to identify bacteria or viruses that may be causing an infection.


A urine culture is a test to find and identify germs (usually bacteria) that may be causing a urinary tract infection (UTI).


Cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) is a viral infection that rarely causes obvious illness. The virus that causes CMV is part of the herpes virus family and, like other herpes viruses, may become dormant for a period of time and then be reactivated. CMV affects young children mainly, but it is estimated that by age 30 in the United States, half of all adults are, or have been, infected. The virus can pass from an infected, pregnant mother to her child through the shared blood supply (umbilical cord).


Your adrenal glands are two small pieces of tissue that sit atop each kidney. They  produce and release certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers - one of which is Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate or DHEA-S for short. It’s a natural steroid hormone produced from cholesterol and it purpose is to serve as a precursor to male and female sex hormones. This hormone is also associated with immune and stress response.


The Estradiol Test measures the amount of estradiol (a form of estrogen) in your blood. This test will determine your estrogen status, evaluate your ovarian function and monitor the follicular development during ovulation. In men, this test is used to assess estrogen production levels.


The ferritin test is ordered to assess a person's iron stores in the body. The test is sometimes ordered along with an iron test and a TIBC to detect the presence and evaluate the severity of an iron deficiency or overload


B12 and folate are primarily ordered to help diagnose the cause of macrocytic anemia. They are ordered as follow-up tests when large RBCs and a decreased hemoglobin concentration are found during a CBC test. Folate, B12, and an assortment of other tests may be ordered to help evaluate the general health and nutritional status of a patient with signs of significant malnutrition or malabsorption. This may include people with alcoholism and those with conditions associated with malabsorption such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and cystic fibrosis. B12 and folate may also be ordered to help diagnose the cause of mental or behavioral changes, especially in the elderly.


A follicle-stimulating hormone test measures the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in a blood sample. FSH is produced by the pituitary gland.

  • In women, FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and the production of eggs by the ovaries. The amount of FSH varies throughout a woman's menstrual cycle and is highest just before she releases an egg (ovulates).
  • In men, FSH helps control the production of sperm. The amount of FSH in men normally remains constant.

The amounts of FSH and other hormones (luteinizing hormone, estrogen, and progesterone) are measured in both a man and a woman to determine why the couple cannot become pregnant (infertility). The FSH level can help determine whether male or female sex organs (testicles or ovaries) are functioning properly.


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